Gezira United



Welcome to Spiceland, a subsidiary of Gezira United, where quality and authenticity meet in every flavorful blend. As a trusted supplier of top-quality spices, we take pride in growing and sourcing the finest natural ingredients. 

Our commitment to sustainability and traceability ensures that every product we offer is of the highest standard, from seed to shelf. Whether you’re a multinational corporation or a budding startup, Spiceland is your partner in delivering premium spice blends. 

 Explore our extensive range of products and taste the difference of authentic flavors with Spiceland.

Products Include:

Garlic Powder

Garlic Powder


Chilli Powder

Chilli Powder


Turmeric Powder

Turmeric Powder


Coriander Powder

Coriander Powder


Cumin Powder

Cumin Powder


Onion Powder

Onion Powder

  • ISO/HACCP Certified

  • CNG Machinery Dried

  • 100% Pure With No Additives

  • Ethylene Oxide (ETO) sterilized


  • Chemical Characteristics & Food Safety Criteria in Line with European Standards

  • Microbial and Heavy Metal Test Available

  • Customized Packaging: Polypropylene + Paper Bag / Metalized Bag

The Process:

Farming Season Begins:

Our agricultural experts prepare the land and begin planting a variety of herbs and spices on our 40-acre farm along the Nile River in Damietta, leveraging generations of expertise and sustainable practices.

Harvesting at Peak Ripeness:

As the crops reach peak ripeness, our experienced farmers carefully harvest them by hand to ensure maximum flavor and quality. This stage marks the culmination of months of diligent cultivation and care.

Sorting, Grinding & Packaging:

Upon harvest, the spices undergo a seamless process of sorting, processing, and grinding in our state-of-the-art facilities. Our advanced sorting machines meticulously separate the spices based on size and quality, while our processing techniques preserve their natural flavors and aromas. After sorting and processing, the spices are ground to achieve the desired texture and consistency using advanced machinery that ensures precision and consistency, meeting strict quality standards.

Shipping and Logistics:

With the spices securely packaged and quality-checked, they are ready for shipping. Located just 20 km from Damietta port, our facilities ensure smooth logistics for the efficient transportation of our top-quality spices to customers worldwide, ensuring timely delivery and customer satisfaction.

Why Spiceland

 We control the entire process, from sourcing the finest natural ingredients to meticulous sorting, processing, and packaging in our state-of-the-art facilities. Being a family business, we prioritize integrity, reliability, and personalized service, building lasting relationships with our clients based on trust and mutual success. Choose Spiceland for excellence, authenticity, and a reliable partner in your journey.